Valley Community Theatre in Liverpool, who have received support from the Trust, have announced their ‘Workers Playtime’ project, a series of practical drama workshops looking at the techniques and styles of theatre created and used by the Workers Theatre Movement. Arising from the workshops, a modern “Living Newspaper” will be devised, scripted and performed at the 3 night show at Hope Street Theatre in June 2025. Outside groups as well as individual writers will be encouraged to submit items for the finished “Newspaper”. Longer pieces of drama, inspired by the styles and techniques and history of the Workers Theatre Movement, will be invited and considered for performance at the final show at Hope Street Theatre. If you would be interested in acting in, or writing for, or just participating in the project or would just like more details of how you or your group could contribute, send an email to be info(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign), headed Workers Theatre Movement Play Project. For more information, visit the Valley Community Theatre website