Bristol Palestine Film Festival (BristolPFF) began in 2011 and focuses on the plurality of the Palestinian experience as illustrated through Palestinian cinema, art and culture, engaging audiences in the South West in learning opportunities which bring fresh perspectives on Palestine’s economic, social, political and cultural life. The festival takes place in December of each year, based at The Watershed Media Centre Bristol as well as a variety of community venues across the city. We research and select compelling and thought-provoking films, including documentaries, features, rare works, art pieces, by established and emerging filmmakers and artists. Each year, guest filmmakers and commentators from across the globe add contextual depth to the films. We also run ancillary cultural programming including workshops, concerts and socially engaged artistic works by Palestinians, or on themes related to Palestine. We are a partner in the innovative Conversations About Cinema, a national programme funded by the British Film Institute, which aims to initiate conversations about the issues raised through film and how they resonate with what is happening in the wider world.