The recording from the 2023 Barry Amiel and Norman Melburn annual lecture is now available. Watch the lecture below or via this link
Michael Hardt: the subversive 1970s: the end of mediation and experiments in autonomy from The Derek Jarman Lab on Vimeo.
In the 1970s activists in several countries conceived as “the end of mediation” the fact that protest and other forms of contestation were no longer being addressed with reforms by the state and other social institutions. One response to this situation was to experiment with autonomous forms of organization, both in factories and in various sectors of social reproduction and development. This lecture explores what relevance these experiences of the 1970s hold for political possibilities today.
Michael Hardt teaches political theory in the Literature Program at Duke University. He is co-author of several books with Antonio Negri, including ‘Empire’. His most recent book is ‘The Subversive Seventies’. Together with Sandro Mezzadra he hosts The Social Movements Lab.