Common Wealth is a new organisation dedicated to developing and popularising alternative models of ownership to build a democratic economy. Publicly launching in the spring of 2019, we are seeking funding for a two-part project.

First, to deliver a high profile public launch event. This will introduce Common Wealth to the media, politics and wider progressive community. It will feature leading political figures, including the Shadow Chancellor. Drawing on a team with expertise in designing and delivering The World Transformed events programme, we will deliver an exciting participative event that will put Common Wealth and its agenda on the map as a new type of think tank: systemic in approach, pluralistic and democratic in orientation, engaging directly with the wider movement to drive change.

Second, the project will create an introductory video explainer to debut at the launch event. This will introduce Common Wealth, show how how ownership vitally shapes the distribution of power and reward in society, and make the case for democratic ownership as the fundamental institutional turn needed to build an economy that works for the many. The video will be the centrepiece of the launch event, but will also create a lasting political education tool for social media and on Common Wealth’s website to help raise awareness of the importance of ownership among the public and stimulate a more ambitious, systemic agenda from progressive parties.